OK, this has to be mine. I’ll get out of my blankets. Kindly regard both the polar bear and the penguin that decided to sleep in my room due to its incredibly low temperature, and get dressed.
After the morning classics, I head to the office with Nalini. We usually arrive there at 9, but most of our supervisors arrive at 9:30. In that half an hour we get a cup of coffee and we start planning the day out. We have a meeting at 10, then we need to work on a Gantt chart to improve the making process of Mitten Bites, and later shoot a brief interview to incorporate in the new website.
After too many cups of the delicious free coffee at Green Garage, it’s time for lunch. I boil some pasta, and I cook a couple of sliced zucchini on the side. While everything is cooking, I’ll get a fork and a dish from the pile and clean it. I mix the zucchini and the pasta together, I sit down with my bowl of pasta, and I talk with Nalini about news and what’s happening in the world.
Being both international students, Me and Nalini sometimes we take this time to call home. Unfortunately, I cannot call after work because it is already night back in Italy.
After a few more hours at the office we head back to UT. There, I sit on my bed for ten minutes to check my social media and some news. I quickly change in gym cloths and bike over the gym. After a quick workout I got back, shower, and make myself some dinner. Cooking has become a good way to relax during our busy days.
In the spare time I have I like to work on a few side projects. Photography, video making and fixing up my website fill up my evenings. I am also reading an interesting book called: “Shoe Dog”. It’s the story of the entrepreneur who founded Nike.
I pat on the head Johnny, the polar bear, and, precise like a clock, I go to bed at 12.
OK, this has to be mine. I’ll get out of my blankets. Kindly regard both the polar bear and the penguin that decided to sleep in my room due to its incredibly low temperature, and get dressed.
After the morning classics, I head to the office with Nalini. We usually arrive there at 9, but most of our supervisors arrive at 9:30. In that half an hour we get a cup of coffee and we start planning the day out. We have a meeting at 10, then we need to work on a Gantt chart to improve the making process of Mitten Bites, and later shoot a brief interview to incorporate in the new website.
After too many cups of the delicious free coffee at Green Garage, it’s time for lunch. I boil some pasta, and I cook a couple of sliced zucchini on the side. While everything is cooking, I’ll get a fork and a dish from the pile and clean it. I mix the zucchini and the pasta together, I sit down with my bowl of pasta, and I talk with Nalini about news and what’s happening in the world.
Being both international students, Me and Nalini sometimes we take this time to call home. Unfortunately, I cannot call after work because it is already night back in Italy.
After a few more hours at the office we head back to UT. There, I sit on my bed for ten minutes to check my social media and some news. I quickly change in gym cloths and bike over the gym. After a quick workout I got back, shower, and make myself some dinner. Cooking has become a good way to relax during our busy days.
In the spare time I have I like to work on a few side projects. Photography, video making and fixing up my website fill up my evenings. I am also reading an interesting book called: “Shoe Dog”. It’s the story of the entrepreneur who founded Nike.
I pat on the head Johnny, the polar bear, and, precise like a clock, I go to bed at 12.