8:20 am - “Good Morning Nalini!”
Beep Beep Beep. It is the 7th alarm of the morning. My roommate Lin and I feel like low key strategists. We know we won't wake up with one alarm. Ever. So we carefully planned out our alarm schedule so that her and my alarms alternate till we are too disgruntled to continue snoozing them. I wake up to Lin saying good morning to me everyday in a sing song voice as she heads out and my other busy suite mate typing away on her laptop with her headphones on.
9:00 am - Hello Green Garage
After a good breakfast, “Daily Briefings” of New York times and a polite good morning to my suite mate, I meet my partner Tommaso in the lobby. We head over to the Green Garage talking about random things or nothing depending on how sleepy we both are. Our workday starts with cheary good mornings from Matt Piper, a colleague at work, as Tom and I rush to the little kitchenette. Coffee for Tom and a water or tea for me and we are set to start our day.
Beep Beep Beep. It is the 7th alarm of the morning. My roommate Lin and I feel like low key strategists. We know we won't wake up with one alarm. Ever. So we carefully planned out our alarm schedule so that her and my alarms alternate till we are too disgruntled to continue snoozing them. I wake up to Lin saying good morning to me everyday in a sing song voice as she heads out and my other busy suite mate typing away on her laptop with her headphones on.
9:00 am - Hello Green Garage
After a good breakfast, “Daily Briefings” of New York times and a polite good morning to my suite mate, I meet my partner Tommaso in the lobby. We head over to the Green Garage talking about random things or nothing depending on how sleepy we both are. Our workday starts with cheary good mornings from Matt Piper, a colleague at work, as Tom and I rush to the little kitchenette. Coffee for Tom and a water or tea for me and we are set to start our day.
This was the result of one of my first few days of eager but unexperienced adulting.
10:00 am - “What’s Up Guys”
Those are always the first words as Jake, our supervisor, comes to say hello. He slides in next to us and we chat about our day. We talk about mix of personal and work and for me it has sort of become a daily planner time. After the chat, Tommaso and I, work to finish the tasks. Excel sheets, google docs, proposals, product photography - its rarely the same thing.
12:30 pm - “Do you wanna cook or go out”
Its time for our lunch break and Tom and I decide what we want to do today. We live 5 minutes away from work so it is a hard decision. Today we decided to cook so we head back home. Either Tom comes over to our kitchen to cook or I go over. He creates some beautiful delicacy, balanced and healthy and I mange to whip myself some food. (Hey I am super proud). We get ready for the next phase of work. We bike to eastern market or Peaches and Greens to shoot videos and interview people or go back to Green Garage.
Those are always the first words as Jake, our supervisor, comes to say hello. He slides in next to us and we chat about our day. We talk about mix of personal and work and for me it has sort of become a daily planner time. After the chat, Tommaso and I, work to finish the tasks. Excel sheets, google docs, proposals, product photography - its rarely the same thing.
12:30 pm - “Do you wanna cook or go out”
Its time for our lunch break and Tom and I decide what we want to do today. We live 5 minutes away from work so it is a hard decision. Today we decided to cook so we head back home. Either Tom comes over to our kitchen to cook or I go over. He creates some beautiful delicacy, balanced and healthy and I mange to whip myself some food. (Hey I am super proud). We get ready for the next phase of work. We bike to eastern market or Peaches and Greens to shoot videos and interview people or go back to Green Garage.
5:00 pm - “Let’s Go!”
We have been fidgeting for the last 15 minutes. Its been a tiring day. After working through Quickboooks, Website designing, editing and Gantt Charts we are exhausted and itching to go back home. I am generally the first one back and I get a good 15 minutes of me time. It is spent well laying catatonic on the couch - texting or watching netflix.
8:00 pm - “Eh! I’m too tired to cook”
I groan as I rummage around for a pot to start boiling the pasta in. I am sweaty because Lin and I have just come back from the gym and my legs feel like jelly after my run. If we are lucky then and I decide to cook beans, we have a little can opener drama. After my suite mates and I disfigure the can (we haven't figured out how to use the can opener just yet) I have my meal. Time for Netflix
10:00 pm - “Hey, what’s up?”
Its my phone time. My parents or my friends generally call up around that time and I chat up with them for a bit. I come back to find a peaceful situation. Occasionally Tommaso comes to our apartment to hang out. He and Astha are watching Chef’s kitchen, Lin is working or watching TV and Lucia is in her room. I smile as I take my spot on the couch. It feels like a fam.
2:00 am - “ We really should go to bed”
Astha and I look at each other. We thought we would go to bed earlier but eh. If we are lucky this has been a day where we didn't forget our keys so we didn’t get locked out and didn't have to figure out a way to get in to the apartment. We have been laughing and talking for a bit now. I took a look at the dishes stacked up high. Should I... Nah I'm tired and they aren't all mine anyway. It's time to take a hot shower and get into my bed. I get a text from my mom - “Good night” followed by 3 hearts. I smile. “Good night” followed by three hearts.
We have been fidgeting for the last 15 minutes. Its been a tiring day. After working through Quickboooks, Website designing, editing and Gantt Charts we are exhausted and itching to go back home. I am generally the first one back and I get a good 15 minutes of me time. It is spent well laying catatonic on the couch - texting or watching netflix.
8:00 pm - “Eh! I’m too tired to cook”
I groan as I rummage around for a pot to start boiling the pasta in. I am sweaty because Lin and I have just come back from the gym and my legs feel like jelly after my run. If we are lucky then and I decide to cook beans, we have a little can opener drama. After my suite mates and I disfigure the can (we haven't figured out how to use the can opener just yet) I have my meal. Time for Netflix
10:00 pm - “Hey, what’s up?”
Its my phone time. My parents or my friends generally call up around that time and I chat up with them for a bit. I come back to find a peaceful situation. Occasionally Tommaso comes to our apartment to hang out. He and Astha are watching Chef’s kitchen, Lin is working or watching TV and Lucia is in her room. I smile as I take my spot on the couch. It feels like a fam.
2:00 am - “ We really should go to bed”
Astha and I look at each other. We thought we would go to bed earlier but eh. If we are lucky this has been a day where we didn't forget our keys so we didn’t get locked out and didn't have to figure out a way to get in to the apartment. We have been laughing and talking for a bit now. I took a look at the dishes stacked up high. Should I... Nah I'm tired and they aren't all mine anyway. It's time to take a hot shower and get into my bed. I get a text from my mom - “Good night” followed by 3 hearts. I smile. “Good night” followed by three hearts.