The project in the Sugar Hill Historic District features 84 new apartments, with 25 percent set as affordable housing
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New $32M apartment development coming to Midtown is being designed by renowned Durham architect Philip Freelon, who designed the Smithsonian's Museum of African American History and Culture.
The project in the Sugar Hill Historic District features 84 new apartments, with 25 percent set as affordable housing Check out this story on
Detroit Future City Introduces "139 Square Miles" In-depth Data Report on the City Detroit Future City (DFC) is proud to introduce 139 Square Miles. This report is the first comprehensive, citywide, data-driven report that our organization has produced for Detroit since 2012, when we released the Detroit Future City Strategic Framework, the 50-year shared vision for the city’s future. This report shows that for the first time in 60 years, Detroit is moving toward population growth, with the economy on the rise and neighborhoods beginning to stabilize. The 139 Square Miles report uses the most recent available data without analysis or critique. In developing 139 Square Miles, it was Detroit Future City’s aim to present Detroiters with objective facts in a manner that is understandable and accessible. This report is for Detroiters, and it is our hope that 139 Square Miles is shared, used and referenced globally, so that all who are dedicated to Detroit’s stabilization and revitalization can work from an authoritative set of data. This report focuses on four key areas: Population, People, Economy and Place. It is worth noting that the methodology for this report included using data from several sources, including the American Community Survey (ACS). We chose to use the ACS five-year data to have a consistent comparison across geographies. This may give the appearance that portions of the data are dated. As with any data source, there is some degree of lag between collection, distribution and recollection of data, and in some areas of focus in this report, there has been rapid change in recent years. Detroit is a city that is post-recession and post-bankruptcy and seeing incredible progress, but also still experiencing considerable barriers. The intent for 139 Square Miles is to capture data, note the city’s progress, and to help build on Detroit’s successes. By noting where gaps still exist we can better identify where there are opportunities for growth and change. To view and share the digital version of this report, please click here, and use #DFC139 on social media. We hope you enjoy 139 Square Miles! Follow 139 Square Miles on Social Media For daily updates on Detroit Future City's 139 Square Miles report like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, and use #DFC139. "Black-Owned Businesses Are Quietly Powering Detroit’s Resurgence, But No One’s Talking About It"5/17/2016 Detroit Free Press did a series of interviews (including on video) of 50 residents from across Detroit, focusing on the challenges they face on a day-to-day basis and the opportunities they see in spite of them. View here!
Check out this 3 part series on UIX Detroit, “Detroit Innovation Insights”: A good recent article on Detroit:
Articles, news, video, and relevant content about the Motor City. Archives
March 2019